This licence agreement forms a valid contract, in every legal respect, between you (hereafter called ‘the Client’) and the Minstrel Edizioni Musicali S.n.c. This company- in Via Bonaventura Ceretti, 32\ Rome- regulates the temporary and non-exclusive use of listed musical pieces in its catalogue.


This authorization has to be conceived as non inclusive of third parties and non-transferable to third parties for any reason whatsoever. The authorization refers exclusively to the instrumental version of the compositions and to their limited use in the synchronized film.
All the musical arrangements of the Minstrel Edizioni Musicali S.n.c are confidential and protected by Italian copyright laws. These laws are monitored by the S.I.A.E, by the international regulations and by ordinary and special enforced laws.
However, this agreement does not exempt the Client from certain legal obligations, related to the correct use of the music, such as:
-Informing the company of any public broadcasting of the music through mass-media (radio, TV, cinema, theatre) and\or demonstrations.
-Respect and payment of the copyrights run by the S.I.A.E.


- Music spots and jingles that identify television and\or radio programs.
- Sound tracks for scholastic and educational programs.
- Sound tracks for business publicity.
- Sound tracks for films, series, fictions and documentaries.
- Sound tracks for private and professional videos, videotapes, DVDs, cds, and web sites.
-Sound tracks for any possible telephonic use (such as mobile phones, etc).

This authorization does not exempt the Client from honouring his duties to S.I.A.E or respecting the legal arrangements. However, in cases of duplication and sale of the ‘film’ on videotape or DVD, the payment does not include the so-called ‘phono-mechanical right’. In fact this right belongs to the S.I.A.E, which can demand payment to the video duplicator.


The payment for the use of the music is established by our administration according to circumstances. Furthermore the payment of cinematographic sound tracks or television adverts and radio jingles, will be established according to the duration, to the way it is transmitted and to the subject of the adverts. It will be necessary to obtain authorization from Minstrel Edizioni Musicali S.n.c, for this use of the music. The Client responds directly for the legal and moral use of the music.


The Client will respect all limitations indicated in this agreement, refering to the authorized use of the music.


The patrimonial rights of the compositions belong to those who hold the copyrights. Therefore, the Client is obliged to add a clause stating this fact, in case of contracts for the transfer of rights on the ‘film’ to third parties.


In the following two cases, the contract will be automatically desolved, in accordance with Article 1456 of the Civil Law:
a) Non-payment of the established fees, in-full ( partial payment of fees are not acceptable).
b) Violation, of any part, of the limitations stated in the authorization section of this contract.
In these cases Minstrel Edizioni Musicali S.n.c will communicate its will to apply this clause by registered letter.


The Client will have to pay a penalty if the contract is desolved by fault of the Client; the fine consists of all established fees, plus legal interests.


This authorization is valid one year from the date of signing, and is tacitly renewable at expiry.


The Roman Forum will arbitrate any controversy related to the interpretation and\or fulfillment of this contract.